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Adoption Package Renewal

Our Adoption Renewal package makes it easy to continue your ongoing support of your favourite animal at Baytree Owl & Wildlife Centre. Your name will remain displayed with pride for another full year, and you’ll also receive a reissue of your adoption certificate and free admission pass(es)! So, how does it work? It’s as easy as 1 – 2 – 3!


  1. Renew the essentials! Select your existing package type and receive an updated certificate and admission pass(es)* for 20% off the usual purchase price. Your name will also remain on the animal’s enclosure for an additional year!.
  2. Customise and upgrade! Choose to receive extra copies of your photograph and information sheet, or swap your pass(es) for an Annual Pass. (Additional charges apply**.)
  3. Choose a gift! As thanks for your ongoing support, you can choose to receive either a BOWC Flexi Owl Magnet or a BOWC Stationery Pack.


Once you’ve finished, simply enter your unique 6-digit adoption number so we can match you against our adoption database and verify your renewal. Your adoption number can be found on your welcome and/or renewal letter. You'll be able to specify a delivery address at the checkout, meaning a renewal can still be purchased as a gift (provided you have the original adoption number.)


Note that this renewal form cannot be used to change the animal that was adopted or the type of package that was originally purchased. If you would like to amend these details, or are unsure of how to complete the form, then please contact us.


Before purchasing, please also ensure you have read and understood the renewal terms & conditions shown on this page.


*Note that all adoption passes are now admit the named adoptee only. Standard and Junior adoptions will receive four admission passes, while Premium adoptions will receive one premium annual pass, except where the purchaser has chosen to upgrade their passes to an Annual Pass. 


**Upgrades available:

  • Adult Annual Pass: £10 (normally £25)
  • Child Annual Pass: £8 (normally £18)
  • Adult & Child Annual Pass: £16 (normally £39)
  • Double Adult Annual Pass: £19 (normally £47)
  • Family Annual Pass: £33 (normally £69)

Adoption Package Renewal

    1. This form should only be used if you have received your adoption renewal letter or you have been directed here by a member of the BOWC team.
    2. For the purpose of this form, a "renewal" is considered any purchase made where the given package holder's name and adoption number match a current adoption package of the type selected that has not yet expired.
    3. A renewal is only valid on a package of the same type where the above conditions in section 2 are met. You can not use this renewal form to change the type of package that was originally purchased EXCEPT where a holder of a Junior Adoption Package has turned 13 years of age.
    4. Renewals will be validated using the given information, from which the animal that was originally adopted will be determined. You can not use this renewal form to change the animal that was originally adopted.
    5. All validated package renewals will retain the anniversary (i.e. start and end date) of your original package.
    6. At checkout, you may provide a new delivery address even if it does not match the one that the original package was sent to (i.e. if it was purchased as a gift.)
    7. If an invalid purchase is made, it will be treated as a new adoption and you will be invoiced for the outstanding amount.